General Information

Serving all your cinematography needs with expert lighting and camerawork for independent films, commercials, music videos, documentaries and corporate video at very reasonable prices.

Specializing in lighting and shooting digital and film and providing superior equipment for all types of productions at great prices.

For over 15 years I have been shooting Independent films, commercials, corporate videos, documentaries, music videos and live events in Boston and New York and around the country. I’m committed to providing the finest lighting and camerawork at prices smaller productions can afford. Even with a low budget and short schedule I can provide the superb results that todays audience expects to see. I do this by using many of the same techniques used in Hollywood productions only on a smaller scale and without the extra overhead and waste that is typical of big budget movies. I also provide superior Digital, Super 16/16mm and 35mm camera packages that are tailored to the needs of smaller productions and will provide perfect results at affordable prices (usually cheaper than renting a camera). I’m also very easy to work. I believe in working efficiently and lighting a scene correctly the first time and leaving enough time for some interesting shots and full coverage. I work hard to make your project look like it cost far more.

Unlike most of my competitors I am an expert at lighting and shooting both film and digital and know how to do it on a low budget. I have shot 16mm features with budgets under $60,000 and know how to get the most out of a budget and provide the unparalleled look of film at prices competitive with shooting high end digital. I do this by providing excellent equipment at great prices and getting great deals on everything else. I can also bring dramatic film style lighting to digital shoots and get you as close as possible to the look of film. Here are the details of how I can save your production money without sacrificing quality.

Camera Equipment.

I own several digital camera packages including a Red Komodo 6k digital cinema camera that is suitable for shooting features of any budget, short films, high end commercials, TV shows etc. I also own several other digital cameras that are perfectly suited to smaller productions, live events etc. If you are interested in shooting film I own both a Arriflex Super 16 and 35mm camera packages. Because I own my own equipment it is always available and I can provide it for substantially less than rental house prices. My prices always include a complete camera camera package including lenses, tripods and accessories – everything you need to shoot. Unlike rental houses there are no additional charges for lenses or accessories. I can also do jobs that are split up into various days without having to worry about renting and returning and re-renting equipment,

Payroll (paying the cast and crew) is the biggest expense on any production. This cost is the same whether you shoot film or video. I can reduce this cost by helping you get good lighting and camera crew at reasonable prices.

Film Stock, Processing and Transfer
It is a common misconception that shooting film is very expensive and only big productions can afford it. In fact film is often very affordable if you keep your shooting ratio reasonable. With a 5 to 1 shooting ratio, film stock, processing and transfer are usually only 10-20% of a films budget. This can usually be made up in other areas like equipment rental, crew overtime, extra meals and postproduction costs.  I can get you great deals on film stock, processing and transfer at several labs and film to tape transfer facilities.

Lighting and Grip
I own a lighting and grip package that is designed for the needs of smaller productions. It includes several HMIs, plenty of tungsten lights, 2 fluorescents and a grip and electrical distribution package. I can light most interiors and even small night exteriors with this package and make them look great. My electrical distribution package can be connected to most electrical panels, providing 200 amps of power and eliminating the need for a generator. If you need anything I don’t have I can arrange for a rental. I’m also happy to go out as gaffer with this package.

Still Photography

I can provide professional still photography for all types of projects and live events at very reasonable prices. I use a 42 megapixel Sony A7r2 combined with vintage Nikon lenses for still photography as well as any equipment needed from the lighting and grip package. At the end of the job I always give you JPEG or Raw digital files and can make prints if needed.

Negative Cutting
I provide professional negative cutting for 16mm, Super 16 and 35mm films at great prices. Take $1 off per cut if I shot the movie. Film prints can be made directly from the original negative saving the cost of a digital intermediate and providing the best possible picture quality.

Film Prints
Most theaters these days have digital projection but we all know that there is nothing like a good film print for a cinematic experience. I have extensive experience working as a color timer at the local film lab. I can offer discounts on prints and fast, reliable service. Have your print timed by the one person who knows how it’s supposed to look. This is a service no other DP I know of can offer.